oh the trials of being a human

yow-- it's been a while since ive posted anything.

a couple of weekends ago i went on a twenty-mile walk-- very special experience shared with some truly wonderful people-- and i had planned to write an entry about it, even picked out some choice pictures, but my computer at home was being sooo slow, that i lost the patience for it.

so then i just stopped trying.

that's how i feel about a lot of things sometimes. at what point do you view something as a test or an obstacle that you are supposed to overcome (ie- that you should have the patience to overcome) and at what point do you view something as a waste of time or, if nothing else, not really worth the effort?

anyway, this past week has been...interesting. do you ever feel like there are those days (weeks, months) when everything in your life is serving as a lesson to show you exactly how flawed you really are? i'm not trying to garner any sympathy or "no, nava, you're great!" comments, so please refrain. but it's just been one of those weeks. things have come to a head in one area especially and really forced me to inspect my own priorities, and more than that, how i react to things and people, especially in somewhat awkward or uncomfortable situations. and i've got to say, sensitivity and a certain level of sympathy were really lacking on my part.

i was surprised at myself. (though apparently not enough to change the behavior, which is probably worse...)

anyway, i guess i'm a work in progress...as are we all..but that shouldn't be an excuse not to try.

funny when you think you really know yourself and you actually don't.

"True loss is for him whose days have been spent in utter ignorance of his self."


Zhena said…
well the good thing is you are using this experience to be introspective and learn about yourself and improve as a human being. and in general its always comforting to think that "this too shall pass"...u'r gonna be A Ok!
Unknown said…
Well I was gonna write, "No Nava, you're great," but seeing as you don't want to read that, I'll just reinforce your current sentiment: "Nava, you're not that great."

Oh, and have a good day.
N. said…
Thanks Lac. *Such* a good friend. ;)