The Incomparable

Human beings have been engraved with the image of God. This we are told. But each one of us is so different; no two human beings out of the billions alive and the billions and billions that have lived, and the millions of billions that will live are the same. Isn't that crazy? It's hard to comprehend how there could be so much variety in one species. So I started thinking about how this related to the concept of God's image being engraved on us. And then I remembered that one of His attributes is "the Incomparable". So then in that way, it makes sense. Our uniqueness. In concert with that notion, I recently read a description in the junior youth empowerment material that described (if I understood it correctly) our individuality as being defined not by our physical bodies or even our personalities (that one surprised me) but by the way we reflect the attributes of God. So I guess the idea is that we all have the potential to manifest all the atttributes of the Manifestations (like Christ, Muhammad, Baha'u'llah..) but the degree and way we do is different in every human being.

Anyway for the past week anytime I spend any significant amount of time with anyone I try to figure out which attribute they discernibly reflect to a really high degree. Honestly, it's been AWESOME! I've noticed things even in close close friends which I'd never noticed before, and it helps me appreciate them more and learn from them. It's also made the admonition not to dwell on people's flaws but on their good qualities, even if their flaws are more obvious, a lot easier. And people are good! My friends for sure are luminous gems. It's been a treat.
