
Life is particularly sweet these days. I am feeling so....HAPPY. There's no better word. God has been so unbelievably generous with me that sometimes I just feel floored; thinking of His kindness, His mercies.

I have a friend named Carmel Bulkin, Carmel Portillo now, and I just ADORE her. We used to see each other every year before I came to Haifa but once I moved we didn't anymore. Even keeping in touch was hard to do owing to a massive time difference between us. A few months ago her sister Kelsey called me and asked me to go with her to El Salvador over Spring break to visit Carmel and her would-be newborn baby. The idea was sweeter than I could fathom, but also completely out of the question for me. I simply couldn't afford the ticket, nor did I have the holiday allotment. But the seed was planted and all of a sudden I found myself feeling so anxious to see her and meet her husband and be a part of her life again. I felt an aching for our friendship. I actually prayed to Baha'u'llah and asked Him if there was just *any* way for me to see her, for Him to open the doors. I knew it was an impossible request, but He is great. So I asked.

Two months later, I end up getting a last minute assignment to fly into Central America for work. I'm supposed to go to Honduras but they ask me to fly into San Salvador in...El Salvador. Forty minutes away from Carmel's home! We got to spend a few days together and it was sooo wonderful. A definite gift and answer to my little plea. "Ask and you shall receive..."

On the other hand, I can attest to the fact that MANY a prayer has not been answered the way I'd hoped. Doors slammed in my face. Painfully. Heartbreakingly. But I know....I just know those doors slamming have been a protection in some way. That God wants us to be happy! To rejoice! That ANYTHING that befalls us is only for our benefit and protection, if it comes from Him. ("I know of a certainty, by virtue of my love for Thee, that Thou wilt never cause tribulations to befall any soul unless Thou desirest to exalt his station in Thy celestial Paradise and to buttress his heart in this earthly life with the bulwark of
Thine all-compelling power, that it may not become inclined toward the vanities of this world." Baha'i Prayers)

To make things even more glorious, before going to El Salvador and Honduras (where I had the most wonderful time!) I got to spend 10 incredible days with my amazing older sister. We had the BEST time! I think it's the most I've ever cherished and enjoyed her company. We shared tears, laughter, tests, and I feel even closer to her now than before!

God is great. Yes He is:)

"I want you to be happy... to laugh, smile and rejoice in order that others may be made happy by you." `Abdu'l-Bahá


Zhena said…
It was indeed an amazing 10 days!!! It was such a gift to have!!! I love you and am glad your prayers regarding Carmel were answered!!! Glad you asked!!! LOVE You!!