I'm a grown up

When did that happen?

Three years ago, I think. It's interesting because in grad school I had a full-time job, classes at night, and a job on weekends to help pay for grad school. I had my first car, my own apartment, and was paying rent, the electric bill, water bill and all that for the first time in my life. I was 22. Then I came to Haifa and the circumstances changed somewhat. It kind of felt like going back to college. So though in the twenty-second year of my life I felt like a full-fledged adult, and faced some heavy things mostly with situations my students were grappling with, I lost a bit of that sense of adulthood coming here.

But it's back. I feel like a grown up again. For various reasons not exciting enough to get into. But I bought a plant. This is a sign that I'm an adult. In my mind anyway. It's my first plant. I love it.

Also, lately I can't stop thinking about adoption. I'm not seeing anyone so this plan is clearly on pause until that part of my life is in place. But I really want to adopt. 2 kids. Of different races. (I want biological children as well. 2 & 2.) We can be like a Benetton commercial! (Joking.) But I really would like for them to be of different races--the beauty of the diversity of the human family all present in my little family.

I can't wait!


marboro said…
"I bought a plant... I love it."
Your plant grows adults.