You think you know....

But you have no idea.

That was the catchphrase from that show, MTV Diary.

It's bizarre how true that is even for the people we think we know best. People we live with and spend time with on the regular.

For instance, a couple of days ago I was on the phone with my dad who was telling me about this really cute prank he played on my mom (she was volunteering at the Bahai Center in San Juan, PR and he called her and pretended to be someone who wanted more information about the Baha'i Faith-and apparently she totally bought it and went on for ages until finally he said something that gave it away, and she was like, "TOMMY?! Is that you?") Anyway he and I were giggling about this, but this was no revelation to me as my dad has always had a penchant for pranks. However, in the next breath, he told me about a similar prank he'd played on my mom's brother where he pretended to be this little Persian old woman, so I, of course, made him demonstrate.

IT WAS FREAKY! He didn't sound like himself at all. I couldn't believe it wasn't a little Persian old lady! He was eerily good at it. And I was thinking, how did I live in your house for 18 years and never know you could do that? I mean it's a small thing, but still, so strange.

I love learning new things about people. Unexpected things.

I think sometimes we're all (or a lot of us. or maybe just me) so self-absorbed and self-occupied that we don't notice other people. Don't take the time to ask.

Anyway, I wonder what other things about my loved ones I've not yet unearthed. Or what little things about me no one else has discovered yet, either. Interesting thoughts...


Zhena said…
remember when he put the cockroach in your backpack???? hahahha what a prankster!!!