My Mom is a Riot

My mom and I were talking on the phone this morning, she called me excitedly to confirm that I had received my tickets home (I’m going home!) for a trip in January. We were talking about the trip, my reaction when I got the surprise email with the tickets, our plans for after I leave the Bahá’í World Centre which coincides with my dad’s retirement, and were in a generally happy and giggly mood. (If you’ve ever overheard me speaking on the phone with my parents, you will notice that 20% of the conversation generally consists of me giggling about something. They’re very mischievous and we have sort of a mutual fan-club thing going, where we all poke fun at each other and laugh heartily, each making the other believe he/she is probably funnier than he/she actually is.) So we’re kind of enjoying a little love fest on the phone and then my mom says:

“Ayy Nava joon, thanks for calling me.”
“Mommy, you called me.”
“Yeah, but I hung up by accident and then you called me back. Right?”
“No..I thought you hit mute by accident [she does that a lot] so I just waited on the line for you to unmute it. You must have hit talk again and I was still there. So I never called you.”
“Wait, so I’m paying for this phone call?”
“Alright, well, great talking to you. Bye!”
[Mom errupts into laughter.]

My mom is a riot.

Another anecdote to illustrate the point. And my favorite one by a mile.

There was a girl who served at the World Centre (she’s back home now), and she’s absolutely gorgeous. She had brown hair, brown eyes and fair skin, so in that way, we had similar features. But she was, admittedly, much prettier than me. (I don’t say this in any sort of self deprecating way; she just was.) In any event, I posted some pictures on facebook of different things. So there’s this one picture of my friend, Lauren, and she and I look nothing alike. She has shorter, straight hair, and is of an entirely different build (much smaller frame). So I have this picture of her, and you can’t even see her face, and my mom posts a comment on it “you look great, Nava!” And I’m just like…are you kidding me?? So I write back, some smart-alecky comment along the lines of, leave home for a few months and they don’t even remember what you look like…

So then I get a message from my mom and shes like, “Nava joon! No, I knew that wasn’t you. The picture even has the girl’s name on it. I meant to comment on the picture right after it. Where you’re standing in front of the gate. You look really beautiful.”

So I look at the next picture. It’s my friend Laily. The beautiful one. I call my mom right away, ready to congratulate her for being so funny today, because obviously this is a prank and she’s in one of her sheitoon moods.

“Nava joon! Hi! Did you get my message on facebook?”
“Yeah, Mommy—” she cuts me off.
“Nava joon, you look so pretty! Your hair is longer and you’ve lost so much weight. You look really great.”
“Mom…that’s NOT me!”
“What? No! yes it is!”
“Mommy,” then I start laughing and can barely catch my breath as I realize she is definitely not kidding. “Mommy, that’s not me. But thanks. Still me with my boring hair and chubby cheeks.”
[Mom laughing so hard she can’t even get one word out. This went on for about five minutes.] And then finally, “I’m really sorry. She looks just like you.” [More embarassed laughter.]

Seriously, my mom is a riot.


Zhena said…
she is a riot for sure, i love it when she laughs uncontrallably!!! btw - send me an email about your tickets, when u going?? i need to put in my request soon i guess...