I Dream of Blog

Last night I dreamt that one of my friends told me my blog entries were too long and self-centred, and she missed the days when I wrote about current affairs, not myself.


Maybe my subconscious conscience is trying to tell me something?


Anonymous said…
Speak of the devil!! I was just thinking how nice it would be to have more contributors on Baha'i Perspectives. This is your chance, Nava. Let's make it happen ;).
N. said…
for realz? i'm SUPER interested! I thought it was a family affair, though?!
Ashley said…
I don't think your blogs are too long and self-centred, for what it's worth. Maybe your dream just means that you're self-conscious about it :) I don't think there's anything wrong with writing entries that are based off of stuff you're going through, as long as that's not ALL you write about...and as long as they're not all woe is me and this is the outfit i picked out today...not that you would do that haha. but those are just my thoughts :)