This is your life

My dear friend Ashley sent me a really wonderful email last night in which she was encouraging me to be bold and make decisions in spite of being uncertain of their outcome. She quoted a tv show (haha note ashley that I will not specify which show;)) in which one character said to the other, "This is your LIFE, why risk missing something amazing just because you're not sure how it will turn out?"

I think so often in life the things we regret most are the ones we never do. The opportunities doubt keeps us from seizing. The places we never go because of the unknown. Words we never speak because of fear.

I still have another year and a half here, so I'm not quite at the crossroads yet, but, still the decisions I make now, the way I spend my time, the things I prepare for, can largely impact the places I'll go. (Oh the places you'll go--thank you Dr. Seuss)

This morning me and a few of my co-workers made a pact to at least consider and try to pursue a service opportunity after we leave here. I'm not quite ready to broadcast this decision on the Internet, but, if I decide concretely I will surely have a lot to say.

In any event, we had a little session where we tried to learn a few words in a new language, and discussed realistically what we might do, and whereas the night before I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of going somewhere new and foreign, and feeling like it might be beyond me, this morning my energy was raised, my spirit revived, and my joy restored.

When you do things with pure motive, the universe tends to take care of you. I really think this is true.

So I'm very thankful for the whos the universe is placing in my path. Exciting times!

PS- A shout out to the Trinity ladies for being such an awesome support system, even thousands of miles away. I really am so grateful. PPS- Ashley, stop watching that show;) haha.


Ashley said…
haha I resent being reprimanded on your blog for "happening" to watch an episode of this show while I was home sick yesterday. just kidding, but the point of the quote was good, right?!

i do agree that, even though it's hard to imagine doing something that's uncertain, when we seek God's will in these decisions, He takes care of us in ways that exceed our highest expectations. It's getting to the point where we can make the jump in despite the uncertainty that's the hard part.