Sweetest of the sweet!

My PARENTS.  The sweetest of the sweet!  Seriously.  I need to write those two volumes of odes and love sonnets to thank them for being so...enchanting, delightful, selfless, loving and sweet sweet sweet.

And MY SISTER!  So loyal, loving, thoughtful, supportive, intelligent, beautiful and PURE.  Seriously, that girl's heart is purest gold.

And then my FRIENDS.  These comedic philosophical poetic geniuses!  With hearts that yearn to serve and learn and grow.  Last night Melina had a goodbye dinner for Will and at the dinner Sarah, Lucas and Aaron especially had us all in hysterics.  I almost fell off the couch FOUR times because of things Aaron said.

Today I was on many an email thread that expanded my horizons in one way or another, made me giggle so much I thought I might go into some form of pulminary arrest (is that even a term?),  and made soft tears escape my eyes as I considered how lucky I was.  A life filled with love, laughter and tenderness.

What more could I ask for?


Zhena said…
aw this was so touching!!! Thanks so much nava joon!!! The same can be said about you and much, much more. I am so proud of you and can't begin to say how wonderful I think you are. There is only one thing I could think of that would make it better, if we all lived in the same city, well two things, but you can guess the second one (its something i know you want , besides gold bangles ;o) )LOVE YOU!!!
N. said…
gold bangles. "im so glad after three years in the Holy Land my daughter has transformed into such a creature of detachment" hahaha. I guess we prove that the child is the secret of its sire, or whatever that expression is. except in our case it'd be secret of its madre. anyway, i love you z. hopefully one day, ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!