All Things in Time...

Time Will Reveal

I'm in this class on "The Seven Valleys" with Muna Waters, and though I had read the book previously, I am feeling so moved and inspired by it! She's an amazing facilitator. In any event, the first time I read the work, I was inspired to write a little reflection, so I thought it might be fun to post that. Maybe at the end of the course, I'll write another one. See how they compare.
But, anyway, here's the ditty.

"All Things in Time, Time Will Reveal"

In the valleys above time is placeless and place is timeless. The steed of pain that carried us through the valley of love becomes the steed of certitude that carries us through the valley of knowledge- to the dwelling of there is no beginning and no end- to the truth of all things in time, time will reveal: that there is no time, that all has been revealed, from all eternity to all eternity; that the steeds of quest and pain and the valleys of search and love lead to the plain of Be and It Is. And so I Am.
