
I know, I just can't be stopped today. Sometimes I get this insatiable thirst to write. To empty myself out onto the page. I guess I should be grateful for those days. Anyway, I'm enclosing a poem, not one I wrote myself, but one I find to be beautiful and true.


To walk where there is no path
To breathe where there is no air
To see where there is no light -
This is Faith.

To cry out in the silence,
The silence of the night,
And hearing no echo believe
And believe again and again -
This is Faith.

To hold pebbles and see jewels
To raise sticks and see forests
To smile with weeping eyes -
This is Faith.

To say: "God, I believe" when others deny,
"I hear" when there is no answer,
"I see" though naught is seen -
This is Faith.

And the fierce love in the heart,
The savage love that cries
Hidden Thou art yet there!
Veil Thy face and mute Thy tongue
Yet I see and hear Thee, Love,
Beat me down to the bare earth,
Yet I rise and love Thee, Love!
This is Faith.

~Ruhhiyih Rabbani
