The Perpetuity of Kickin It

My sister wrote this blog post about how she was sad that a co-worker was leaving the company, and how hard it is to say goodbye to people. Some people live in the same town/city/state their whole lives and maybe don't experience the goodbye phenomenon too often, but, as someone who spent her summers away from home every year after turning 14, falling in [platonic] love with boys and girls scattered around the globe, and has moved three times in the last 6 years, I am no stranger to the farewells.

I find them to be more sweet than bitter. Like there's always something to look forward to because I just know that life will bring us together again. I really think that. The people who mean the most to you, they have a way of resurfacing.

Being here has been such a blessing. Some of the people who played integral roles in my formation and who were, essentially, some of my all-time faves, people I hadnt seen in years, resurfaced in the Holy Land. Three-day visits. Pilgrimage. It's been one of the biggest perks of serving here (and there are so many!)

But, notwithstanding, goodbye can be so hard and sometimes you just want these people to be near to you, not just their voice on the other end of the line, or their words on the opposite side of the screen. And as I get older, I realize the possibility of seeing each other more often lessens (before there were always summers to look forward, a new college semester, vacay at home to see the high school friends, etc.) and I am left wondering when we'll "kick it" again.

So, although this might sound a bit morbid, I don't mean it this way at all: sometimes I think about how cool it's going to be when we're all dead.

Becaaaaaauuuuseeee when we're dead we can kick it with the people we love into perpetuity, without worrying about the physical/time/space/emotional barriers which often keep us apart in this terrestrial plane. Really, think about it. Time and space are properties of this world. Emotions often get in the way; we're too hurt to let someone back in, or whatever the case. But in the next life, I'm sure that'll be like gravy baby! We won't know how not to forgive, how not to love, how not to embrace.

And time and space won't get in the way!

We can be with the people we love without saying goodbye! That's gotta be one of the perks of the aferlife, I'm just sure of it.

Something to look forward to. :-)

PS- This is not an endorsement of premature dying, aka suicide. Thank you.


j'taimee said…
we can kick it when we kick it.
Sholeh said…
haha I totally think about that too! :-) Glad I'm not crazy.