
I was having this fleeting thought earlier today. That maybe I wasn’t suited to my job. I enjoy it quite a bit but lately I find that everything is piling up on my desk and I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. So I had this quick, fleeting thought. What if I’m not right for this? I poured myself a glass of tea and brushed it away [tried], but there it sat, in the back of my mind, just…festering.

Twenty minutes later I walked into one of my supervisors’ offices to run something by him, and as I was getting up to leave, I caught a teeny little mistake in something, and pointed it out to him. He said to me, “You are definitely in the right job. I hope you think that, too.” I was flabbergasted by his timing. The quick fleeting thought had never come until that day. And he’d never used those words until that day.

Is that purely serendipitous? I wonder if on some level human beings are a lot more fine tuned with one another than we realize. Maybe things we perceive as coincidental aren’t. Maybe we answer a need someone else has at precisely the right moment because of our interconnectedness. On some level, we just sense things. And maybe our interconnectedness goes way deeper and is way more precise than any of us realize.

Or, maybe not. Maybe it’s pure serendipity.


Anonymous said…
no its not just by accident, in the future when human minds have put away certain aspects of their thinking and the way they do it they will more and more realize just how interconnected everyone and everything is, a person in canada will be able to literally FEEL the emotions of a person in thailand even though they dont know each other and between family members distance wont make a difference, communication, emotions and much more will be second nature, all of this and all the peoples of the world will be connected to the worlds collective soul in a way never seen or felt before, we now get small glimpts of it here and there as we develop, thru true faith this and so many more things will grow and amaze the mind.