Digging Deeper

Lately I keep finding myself in situations where I think I know someone really well and then we end up talking about our respective family lives or something along those lines and I discover things I never knew about the person.  Now, obviously, it would be impossible to know every single thing about another human being, but I'm talking, big, major, formative things.  It makes me think about two things.

#1- How so much of our time with others can be absorbed with trivial matters, conversations, and pursuits-and how even people we engage 'meaningfully' with-we can still keep from being intimate with.  That's fine.  I dont know that we are meant to be intimate with every single human being we meet.  But, people that you let in.  That you spend time with.  It's amazing how even with them, it can keep from ever really scratching the surface.

#2- There are some AMAZING people in this world.  I am less impressed with people like me--stable upbringing, two parent home, never really fought for anything.  I (think) I turned out okay, but honestly, if I hadn't turned out okay, that would've been the surprising outcome.  (And obviously Life aint over so there's still ample time for me to screw it all up.)  But spend ten minutes with my parents and you'll probably ask yourself why I'm not better than I am.  Two loving self-sacrificing generous phenomenal human beings.  I am amazed by them.  But then I meet these people who have had to fight so hard for everything in their lives.  Who have surmounted obstacles I can barely hypothetically grapple with.  And yet they are sooooo special.  So affectionate and sweet and loving and GOOD human beings.  Unaffected by their circumstances?  Probably not.  But they've transcended what life gave them.

I just...I don't know.  I am in awe.
