and i was like babyyyyyy

I remember one of my professors went off on a rant once about the misuse of the word 'irony'.  According to him, irony is when content doesn't match form.  But that is not the common use.  Anyway I had this great piece all thought out about irony but I just looked it up online, and it turns out my professor was wrong, or, it has been miused with such frequency that it has now come to mean everything else.  Content not matching form wasn't even one of the listed meanings!  How ironic?

ANYWAY since I don't have a word for content-doesnt-match-form I'm going to refer to it as cdmf.  So here is my favorite example of cdmf.

I'm sure everyone's heard of Justin Bieber.  16-year-old-boy-phenom or what have you.  Well, I hadn't heard of him until a few weeks ago when I was watching American Idol (which I actually DONT watch but decided to that evening) and Simon Cowell told one of the contestants to try a younger sound, a la Bieber, and the contestant looked like he needed a barf bag.  Naturally, I looked Bieber up.  Bubble gum pop goodness at its best.  Of course, I loved it.

So he has this song called Baby (ft. Luda!) and's SO CDMF!!!!  The song is all about getting your heart broken for the first time...but it's like the cutesiest, most darling, little upbeat song ever.  The video even has synchronized dancing in a bowling alley.  COME ON.

It's adorable.  It also made me think about the first time I got my heart broken and the fact that I did NOT listen to cute pop music.  I think Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead was my song-de-jour.  God I was so dramatic back then.  

I've decided if there's ever a next heartbreak, this will be my go-to tune.  Because how can you stay sad when little Justin Bieber is singing " and i was like baby baby babyyyy nooo"

See for yourself.


j'taimee said…
{soto voce} Nava... I think he's more like 13.